Mission, Vision and Values

The Hospitality Management Department mission is to serve students from diverse backgrounds, seeking to enhance their individual worth and professional potential, by delivering quality educational programs in Culinary Arts, Restaurant Management, and Hotel, Destination, and Event Management. We are committed to the success of each student, and to meeting the needs of local industry and the community by offering relevant courses with outstanding delivery.
The Hospitality Management Department is a leader in quality educational programs in Northeastern Ohio and is recognized as such throughout the region.
- We believe in fostering academic excellence that prepares graduates for careers, reflects the needs of the business community, and fosters personal growth and professional success.
- We believe a comprehensive and ongoing program for assessing student learning is a key component in institutional effectiveness.
- We believe the student must be an active participant in the educational process.
- We believe in providing value for the graduate's investment of time and money.
- We believe that student, alumni, and industry employer satisfaction contributes to our success.
- We believe in civic and professional service.
- We believe in mutual respect, active participation, and collaboration amongst our entire staff while cultivating an environment that celebrates creativity and diversity.
- We believe that employee development, satisfaction, engagement, and responsibility are essential to productivity, growth, and excellence.
- We believe in continued department improvement and effective management of change.
- We are committed to operating with integrity and cultivating integrity within our students.
- We seek to do the right thing in all circumstances.
To provide high quality, accessible and affordable educational opportunities and services — including university transfer, technical and lifelong learning programs —that promote individual development and improve the overall quality of life in a multicultural community.